Anyway, I can bring myself to talk about a few things rolling in my mind right now.
1) When will someone tell Nic Klein that he's drawing the wrong Night Thrasher costume on the covers for New Warriors?
2) Speaking of New Warriors, the team's(mainly Chamber's, who should know better) reaction to Tattoo's dying is confusing.
3) The Hellcat story in Marvel Comics Presents
4) For the Accursed Interloper, in All-Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder, Miller introduces us to a Batman-obsessed Irish bartender who decides one day to join the fight against crime as the Black Canary. Overwhelmed while trying to stop gunrunners at Gotham Harbor, BC is saved by the insanely scary goddamned Batman, and to celebrate, the two heroes make out(more?) right there on the dock. True story.
5) After reading Wolverine #58, I only see Guggenheim digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole. To explain Wolverine's resurrection episodes, it's revealed Logan killed an Angel of Death in World War I. Okay, a supernatural explanation as to why Logan could regenerate after complete flesh destruction makes sense. But get this: it happens for every major injury past bullet wounds. If he gets stabbed in the heart, he dies. If his lungs collapse, he dies. If he gets burned, he dies. At first it seemed like Wolverine was too powerful. Now, his healing factor's weaker than Spider-Man's. At least Petey wouldn't die from a stab wound.
Just a few things I had rattling around in my head. We recorded a new podcast Thursday and it should be kind of hilarious. Except to FDR.
"a Batman-obsessed Irish bartender who decides one day to join the fight against crime as the Black Canary. "
ahhhhhhhhh! So she's like, not the real Black Canary then, right? Whew! As long as it's a bartender in fishnets and leather, then, that's much less undignified than if she'd been a florist. Thanks, I'm all better now.
"my decision to drop energy drinks. Those sweetly disgusting caffeine bombs were my basic fuel for the past two years and now I'm trying to do without. It's taking a toll."
That's a brave and difficult course of action you're taking there; best of luck with it. However, I refuse to even consider following your example.
Oh! This will irritate you, if you don't already know it. Popular energy-drink ingredient Taurine? It's a fucking "mild sedative"! I read that on the internet, so I know it must be true.
Thus, just this week I too quit all the pretentiously-named energy drinks, based on that aggravating little factoid, but NOT my beloved Jolt Cola or Mountain Dew Code Red, nossirreebob!
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